Here it is, my first blog. And I started it at 10:30pm. Why? Because I choose to torture myself by staying up late and then trying to get up early in the morning. It never works. Maybe I'll figure it out someday, but until then I'll keep to what I know. Anyways, this will be my blog for Melissa Shaw Photography so if you're a client or most likely a family member of mine (mom, I'm talking about you!) check it out every once in a while. I'll be posting new shoots as often as I can.
If you don't know me, or don't know much I'll give you the run down. I live in Covington with my Husband Kendon and our dog Dooku. (As in Count Dooku from starwars. I didn't name him.)
We've been married for 2 yrs. and we love it! This has been the best adventure God could ever bless us with. My husband works for our church, New Community as the Assistant Worship Director but does so much more than that. He rocks and I adore him. We also help lead the Sr. High youth group called "The Garage."
My love for photography has been a life long fondness but I was never able to take the time to get into like I wanted. That is until a few years ago. I started helping my friend Jason Koenig (jkoephoto) as his assistant. Which meant holding an umbrella or reflector, getting the occasional photography lesson and getting paid for it! That also meant that I got to go with him to weddings that he photographed. Sigh, I love weddings. As soppy as that sounds, it's true. This gave me a great opportunity to see things as Jason see's them. He's an amazing photographer and I'm so lucky to have had him as a teacher.
I continued to go through massage school and eventually became an L.M.P. and worked at Body Works Massage Clinic.
I also became the Head Coach for the J.V. Girls Basketball team at Tahoma High School where I continue to coach to this day.
About 6 or 7 months ago I realized that massage was not my passion and I needed to get out soon. I was finally able to start pursuing my love, photography. Through an amazing friend I have been able to start my own photography business sooner than I ever could have without his help. Thanks Jkoephoto, I owe you!
So, in a nutshell that's it. My life so far has been an illustration of God delivering every time. And for that I will strive to work hard in everything I do with all of my heart to repay Him for all that He has given me, a wonderful husband, a great supporting family, and the best friends anyone could ask for. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to doing business with you!