Tuesday, May 20, 2008

One more time = )

I told you I would try to blog twice and I did it! woohoo. 

This is Caitlyn, she's a senior at Tahoma High School.  About two weeks ago I got a call from Caitlyn asking if I would take her senior pictures and I know that nothing sounds crazy about that but what I loved was when she said, "you're soo good."  To that I replied, done and done. When do you want to do your sr. pics?  haha.  I brought Kendon along to be my assistant for the day and she brought her adorable dog Roxy along to be her assistant. = )
Roxy is so cute and just wanted to be everyone's friend.  Thanks for venturing out with me Caitlyn! Congratulations on graduating!

Senior Sess: Derek

I've been so busy with shoots that my blogging has taken the fall. Sorry peeps.  I'm going to attempt to blog twice in one day. Wow, I know. = )  
This is Derek. Derek is a senior at Tahoma High School.  Derek's girlfriend is Mallory, whom some of you may have seen a couple of blogs ago.  These two go together like peas and carrots.  I mentioned in her blog that she was the homecoming queen, well Derek was not only a King in her eyes, but The Homecoming King to everyone else.  Yay!  I had such a blast on this shoot, Derek is a super nice guy and I found out that he is a ninja.  That's right, ninja.  So I had to tell him about my ninja experience and that I am also part spy.  LoL. Thanks for playing along with my craziness Derek.  Keep singing your little heart out to Mallory and good luck with soccer next year.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Senior Session: Taylor

  How perfect did these flowers match her shirt? So perfectly. = )

                                   Doesn't she look good with the car?

Taylor is yet another basketball player of mine.  Although I was never her head coach because starting her sophomore year she was a Varsity player.  What an incredible player.  I remember thinking the first time I watched her play that she must be a senior because she plays so experienced, so skilled but to my wonderful surprise I was told that she was a sophomore.  So I had the fortune of watching her develop into a great basketball player over the last few years.  It's so weird to watch these girls go off on their own. The court will definitely feel like it's missing something next year.  

Now on to the shoot, Taylor and I drove down to Renton on an incredibly hot Friday.  The park was packed but we made it work.  As we were finishing the shoot, Taylor's Mom and her boss came down which doesn't seem too out of the norm except when her boss drives a red convertible Ferrari!  One word; whoa.  And maybe one more, hot.  As we walked to the parking lot Taylor and I casually mentioned to each other that it would be fun to get a picture with her in it. Next thing I know we end up driving 5 minutes down the road to his house where he has more pretty cars. = )
Nothing much just a beat up 97 Jetta, wait that's my car. Shoot.  His cars were the rare edition 87' Porsche and the Orange with sweet black rims Lamborghini. But whatev.  = )
So we took advantage of this random but fun adventure and put her in the drivers seat.  Unfortunately the keys weren't in it.  haha. But what a great day!
Thanks for the adventure Taylor, it's been fun.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Senior Session: Mallory

Magazine cover perhaps?

I never had to tell her how to pose she just did it. Hot!

          This was her root beer float!

This shoot was very special to me because I've known Mallory for three years.  She too, was one of my basketball players.  But more than that she is quite possibly the nicest, sweetest girls I have ever met.  You want her to be in your life because of how different you become by knowing her.  I chose Mallory (during her junior year) to be one of my captains because of how she encourages her teammates during the best and worst times.  She is a leader on and off the court and to top it off she is SO beautiful! And to prove that everyone adores her, she was the homecoming queen this year. 
It was such a gorgeous and warm day, that a root beer float sounded wonderful so we drove about a mile to this great hamburger joint in Issaquah.  Her Mom treated us to floats! Thanks Mom. ; )
I am pretty sure that every shot I took on sunday turned out amazing but that was because she rocked the shoot like a pro, thanks Mal.
Mallory, as I sit here typing this I am beginning to tear up, maybe because I cry at everything (haha) but most likely because I am thinking of what an honor it has been to get to know such an amazing girl over these past few years.  Thank you so much for that privilege!  You are going to go so far in life, I know it.  Love you!
*Coach  ( I know it's still hard for you to call me anything else. = )  )

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's that time of year!

I knew the shoot was going to be great when
 this was the first shot!

          In the words of Tyra Banks, this is fierce!

Graduation is just around the corner and so I am super busy with all the seniors that are getting their portraits done.  So I will probably be posting a lot of blogs over the next couple of weeks with seniors.  Like today! I know Kaylee and her family through church.  And her mom is the cheerleading coach at the same school that I coach at, Tahoma.  They are a super sweet family with deep Alabama accents. I love it! They moved here almost 3 years ago and I am blessed to know them.  
We did the shoot at Gene Coulon Park, and I always love shooting here because each time I go I find something new.  
I had a blast shooting Kaylee, she was willing to do anything I asked and the crazy thing is, is that it worked! = )  You definitely rocked the photo shoot today girl!
Congratulations sweetie and good luck on your adventures!  And don't worry Tara she'll always be your little girl.  

Friday, April 18, 2008

Senior time! Heather

       This pretty much sums up Heather. Fun.
                                              One of my favs:

I first met Heather 3 years ago when I walked into Tahoma High school to start my first year as the J.V. girls basketball coach.  From the looks of it, she was a typical, quiet sophomore.  I was wrong. haha.  I don't think there has ever been a dull moment with this girl.  She's always trying to make you laugh.  Like the day she walked in to practice with ever so fashionable rain boots and acted as if she was going to play the whole practice with these things on! Lay-ups just didn't look so good with the boots on so we made her take them off but it secretly made us as coaches, laugh. = )  I had such a blast doing this shoot.  Thanks Heather, not only for the shoot but for the last three years.  You better come back and visit us! Love ya girl!
A.K.A. (to Heather) Shaw, Baby Shaw, or Coach

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Josh and Rebecca 4.5.08 Wedding Sneak Peak

                    The Beautiful bride, Rebecca

       I absolutely went crazy over her red shoes, so cute!

After an hour and a half drive down to the farm town of Chehalis, Megan (my assistant for the day) and I arrived at Red Barn Studios for the lovely wedding of Josh and Rebecca. Two days before their wedding the weather was absolutely gorgeous, beautiful and sunny.  But, it's April and it's Washington so that didn't last, darn it. = )  So I was a little worried that we were going to see it rain and end up not having an opportunity to take pictures of the wonderful Red Barn studios and the amazing surroundings. I said a little prayer and of course God came through like He always does. After getting some picture time with Josh and Rebecca, and getting the group shots in, we started to feel it sprinkle and a couple minutes later a down pour. But the day went so well and right off the bat, this fun couple made it easy for me to take some great shots as they waited with excitement for the ceremony. After the beautiful ceremony it was time to party!  The moment that made me tear up the most was when Rebecca's dad got up to talk about his little girl and ask her to dance, as the song started (Israel Kamakawiwo Ole's version of Somewhere over the rainbow) Rebecca recognized it and broke down into tears as she practically fell into her father's arms and they danced slowly with each loving minute. Josh and Rebecca were so fun to work with and I am so grateful for the opportunity they gave me to be a part of their day.  Have fun in Maui you two and please bring the sun back for us!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fun with Keri! And her puppy Wendy.

       Favorite shot of the day:

             The adorable Wendy!

Last week I had the pleasure of not only shooting in the snow but having an amazing person to take the pictures of.  Her name is Keri Saez and if you don't know her, well you should darn it. = )
She will brighten your day up with her kind words and beautiful smile.  Keri is a Life Coach and needed some pictures for her new website that is coming out so she called me and a few days later we drove to Black Diamond (where I live) and had some fun taking pictures in this small town.  She brought her 7 month old golden retriever puppy Wendy (what a great name for a dog!) and we all had a great time.  Thanks for taking a chance in the snow Keri, it was wonderful!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Snow day! in March?

So you might think that I decided to dig through an archive of old pictures from a past winter and post them but nope.  It's March 26 and it's snowing!  I was so ready for warmer spring weather and all of the sudden we get a snow storm. So of course I had to document it! Here it is in it's beautiful glory. Although I was looking for sunshine and instead got snow, I love it. It's amazingly peaceful when it snows. It just shows another amazing side to God.  = )
Peace out!
- Melissa waiting for warmer weather Shaw

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Since today was my mom's birthday and at this point she is one of the very few people who I think reads my blog (ha ha)  I would like to take a minute to say how much she means to me.  So, without further adieu here goes.
Mom, you are the most amazing woman in my life. I look up to you, I respect you and I adore you.  You have been through so much in your life time and you have done it with grace.  I honestly hope that I will someday become at least half the mother that you are. Thank you for everything that you have done for me and that you continue to do for me. I love that we continue to grow closer every day.
 I love you Mom, you're beautiful inside and out!
- Melissa
P.S. This is just one of the many shots I got of her today. = )

Monday, March 3, 2008


Whoa Hunny! I feel like James Bond!
Our bed!
Poor Guy was so tired!

After 4 1/2 hour drive filled with duty free stores, audio books of Prince Caspian and a little ACDC we finally made it to Whistler, Canada last night a little after 10pm.  Although, I must say there were many times when we thought we were going to die. Apparently they don't believe in street lights up here which could be of some help when driving up a mountain. = )  But we arrived and were greeted by the Eble's, Mike and Callie and the most amazing house I've ever been in! Seeing as we're from little humble Maple Valley I had to take some pictures of  the room we're staying in because it looks straight out of Martha Stewart Living! Ridiculous I know, but I'm completely okay with that! I'll post more of gorgeous Whistler in the next few days. I can't believe we're finally on vacation, yay! 

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Gallery

Hi! Like I said in my previous blog I will be making some changes to my website and one of those changes is adding a new gallery. And the gallery is...Artists!
I recently had the pleasure of meeting an up and coming new singer by the name of Holly Starr. Just by her name it was obvious that it was meant to be! My friend Mark Alvis (www.myspace.com/malvis4) is a graphic designer who is doing her album art and he asked if I would be willing to do the photography for her c.d. and of course I said yes. So a couple of Sundays ago we were off to Urban Grace Church in Tacoma. What an amazing place! There were plenty of photo opportunities and Holly was a blast to work with. I wish her all the best! Here are a few of my favorites from the day.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hi! I'm going to be making some new changes to my website including adding a few projects that I have been working on. So stay tuned! Thanks, Melissa

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Last weekend we were out in Seattle with our youth group for REALITY 08' and I decided to take advantage of our photo scavenger hunt and take some pictures of the variety that is Seattle.