Magazine cover perhaps?

I never had to tell her how to pose she just did it. Hot!

This was her root beer float!

This shoot was very special to me because I've known Mallory for three years. She too, was one of my basketball players. But more than that she is quite possibly the nicest, sweetest girls I have ever met. You want her to be in your life because of how different you become by knowing her. I chose Mallory (during her junior year) to be one of my captains because of how she encourages her teammates during the best and worst times. She is a leader on and off the court and to top it off she is SO beautiful! And to prove that everyone adores her, she was the homecoming queen this year.
It was such a gorgeous and warm day, that a root beer float sounded wonderful so we drove about a mile to this great hamburger joint in Issaquah. Her Mom treated us to floats! Thanks Mom. ; )
I am pretty sure that every shot I took on sunday turned out amazing but that was because she rocked the shoot like a pro, thanks Mal.
Mallory, as I sit here typing this I am beginning to tear up, maybe because I cry at everything (haha) but most likely because I am thinking of what an honor it has been to get to know such an amazing girl over these past few years. Thank you so much for that privilege! You are going to go so far in life, I know it. Love you!
*Coach ( I know it's still hard for you to call me anything else. = ) )